So is my last day in WellPATH, on Mar 12, the move out wasn't that easy. The hand-overs and and-shakes with the team went professional, with a candle-lit cake for the send-off. All the folks in our team (UST, Cognizant and the business) gave the warmth during the farewell. Doug, Bob and Ernie called for a lunch and Doug presented the valuable 50 Rupee table top, filled with his crazy-yet-awesome writings. Cogni team also gifted me with a digital photoframe stand.
HealthNet outsourced the IT division to Cogni folks, and that pulled me in for bringing one of its outsourced module to steady state (after IT acquisitrion). The work is challenging and interesting, although there are still hiccups in understanding the crazy design and code logic. The details will be documented and stored on public libraries of Cogni't for future references. The team is friendly and cooperative in many kinds giving the pleasure to work.